Topic: The parameters of a video such as brightness, contrast, saturation and hue, can be changed, achieving different looks of the original video. This can have various goals, from aesthetic ones, in the form of a filter, or for technical reasons, as in to properly color grade an image.

Exercise: Create a Python script file and perform the following tasks:

  • Import the Numpy, OpenCV, and SKVideo libraries.
  • Open a video file.
  • Create one method for changing brightness and contrast, one for hue, and one for saturation.
  • Apply the methods to a video file, present the results alongside the original video, and save them.

Instructions and Material for solution: Click Files to download the exercise material.

Expected results bright_con, hue & sat.

Lecture for better understanding:

This exercise was developed by A. Christidis.


For the solutions to the exercises, please contact