Abstract: In this lecture, Miguel Ángel Trujillo, the EU SIMAR project coordinator, will present a few of the last European projects on aerial robotic inspection. Also, the talk will focus on how technology has evolved since the first one and the current state of the art. Furthermore, the SIMAR project will be presented, showing the consortium solution for the challenging use cases of pipe inspection for detecting corrosion under insulation.
Lecturer Short CV: Dr Miguel Ángel Trujillo Soto; Head of the Autonomous Systems unit at CATEC; PhD in Robotics; MSc in Industrial Engineering specialising in Autonomous Systems from the University of Seville. International experience at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (Univ. Sydney). Since 2010, he is part of CATEC, leading multiple aerial robotics projects, both European and national. He has participated in more than 25 international publications and has led an industrial patent. Since 2019, he has led the CATEC Autonomous Systems unit, and since 2022 he coordinates the European project SIMAR. Besides, he led the work for which CATEC won the Overall Prize of the EU Innovation Radar Prize 2017 and received a national award for the best work of the National Defense and Security R&D Congress DESEi+d 2016.