Abstract: Real-time forest fire perception, monitoring and measuring is a very complex problem of that requires the fusion of different types of sensors and cameras. Using several cooperating aerial robots (drones) is an ideal approach to gather high quality images and measurements at different vantage points suitable for fire status estimation and to process them in a decentralized manner exploiting on-board drone computation capacity. This presentation will summarize different approaches, schemes, methods and will present some results obtained in wildfire experiments.
Lecturer Short CV: José Ramiro Martínez-de Dios is Full Professor at the University of Seville (Spain). His R&D activities are focused mainly on aerial robot perception, multi-robot cooperation, robot localization and mapping, and sensor fusion. He has authored or co-authored >160 publications on these topics, including 4 full books. He has also coordinated >22 R&D projects and has participated in other >85 R&D projects, including >24 projects funded by the European Commission in FPIV, FPV, FPVI, FP7, H2020, and Horizon Europe. He led and participated in >25 technology transfer contracts to companies such as AIRBUS, BR&TE, or IBERDROLA, among others. He has served as member of the Editorial Board of >10 journals, and TPC member in >70 conferences and workshops. He has received or co-received 5 international awards, including the “Best Drone-based Solution” award in the 1st EU Drone Awards. Since February 2023 he is an elected member of the Board of Directors of euRobotics.