Abstract: In today’s technological landscape, process automation has become a fundamental component for improving the efficiency and productivity of organizations. In this introductory conference on Apache Airflow, we will explore how to use DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) together with tasks to orchestrate and automate workflows effectively.

During the session, we will delve into the concept of DAGs and how to use them to define workflows, organizing tasks into a logical and sequential flow. We will also explore the role of tasks within DAGs, explaining how they represent individual units of work and how they can be configured to perform specific actions, such as data processing, script execution, or notification sending.

We will also explore how Airflow simplifies the programming and execution of tasks, offering a wide range of predefined operators and the flexibility to create custom operators to meet the specific needs of the workflow. We will demonstrate how to define tasks within a DAG, schedule them, and monitor them to ensure reliable and smooth execution.

Lecturer Short CV: IT Programmer adept in both backend and frontend development, boasting three years of hands-on experience. Contributed to EU projects, sucha a Junior Researcher at Engineering S.p.A, particoularly in energy efficiency solutions (Energidrica) and IoT data management (Waterverse). Previous roles include backend and frontend development at IBEE S.r.l.s, enhancing software tools for banking and real estate sectors. Key skills include Java, Python, JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, and Spring Framework. Pursuing a Master’s in Computer Engineering from the University of Bologna, with a Bachelor’s from the University of Salento. Fluent in Italian and English. Passionate about Gnu/Linux, music, and football.

Video: Introduction to Apache Airflow: Workflow Automation with DAGs and Tasks