Abstract: This lecture explores the concepts of Data Storytelling and the Big Data value chain in the context of Natural Disaster Management. It delves into the significance of effectively communicating data to inform decision-making and seeks to uncover the potential of utilizing big data to improve disaster response and mitigation efforts. The lecture discusses the challenges posed by natural disasters and the need for comprehensive data analysis to understand their impacts. It presents Data Storytelling as a powerful tool to present complex data in a compelling and understandable manner, empowering stakeholders to make informed choices. Furthermore, the lecture examines the Big Data value chain, emphasizing its components such as data acquisition, storage, processing, analysis, visualization, and interpretation, and their crucial role in disaster management. It highlights how this chain can enable improved situational awareness, early warning systems, resource allocation, and risk assessment. Through a combination of case studies and interactive discussions, the lecture aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to harness the potential of data storytelling and the big data value chain to enhance natural disaster management strategies.

Lecturer Short CV: Antonio is a Senior researcher and Project Manager at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. He is an expert in ICTs with special skills in areas like Open & eGovernment, Social Innovation, Smart City, Data Protection and Privacy-preserving technologies, Cloud Computing, Architectural Design, Policy making. He has been involved in several European and Italian research projects dealing with several domains (public service for PA, smart mobility, smart environment, energy, FIWARE architecture) as project manager, technical designer, work package and task leader. At present, he is the Project Coordinator of DECIDO project (H202-SC6-GOVERNANCE-2020), he is also involved in SPOTTED project (CEF-TC-2020-2 Public Open Data 2021-2024) and TEMA project (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-01) as technical leader.


Video: Data Storytelling and Big Data value chain in Natural Disaster Management