The integration of learning and reasoning is a central challenge in artificial intelligence and machine learning today. The area of Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence (NeSy) tackles this challenge by integrating symbolic reasoning with neural networks. This tutorial will provide an overview of NeSy by drawing parallels to Statistical Relational AI (StarAI), another field with a rich tradition in integrating learning and reasoning. The tutorial will introduce key concepts and methodologies by which we cover a diverse set of NeSy systems and identify common patterns. It will offer a broad perspective on the latest developments and will highlight interesting opportunities for further research.


Course type: Invited lecture, Tutorial

Duration: 4 hours 

Institution of lecturer: KU Leuven & Örebro University


Prof. Dr. Luc De Raedt

Short CV: Prof. Dr. Luc De Raedt is currently Director of Leuven.AI, the KU Leuven Institute for AI, full professor of Computer Science at KU Leuven, and guest professor at Örebro University (Sweden) at the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems in the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program. He is well known for his contributions to statistical relational learning, and probabilistic and inductive programming. More recently, his group has also focused on the integration of probabilistic logic with neural networks in the context of neurosymbolic AI. This is the topic of his currently ongoing ERC Advanced Grant.