Topic: Video compression is a crucial part for video transfer and playback. Uncompressed video files are too massive for regular transfer channels, and even too big for weaker systems to process and playback smoothly. Using various compression methods, such as the one taking advantage of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) can reduce the video file size without reducing its quality to an unusable degree.
Exercise: Create a Python script file and perform the following tasks:
- Import the Numpy, OpenCV, Progressbar (Optionally), and SKVideo libraries.
- Open a video file.
- Create a method that applies the DCT transform to every image frame, and then clips some values that do not meet a threshold.
- Create a method that applies the inverse DCT transform to every frame that comes out of the previous method.
- Apply the methods to a video file, present the results alongside the original video, and save them.
Instructions and Material for solution: Click Files to download the exercise material.
Expected results compression.
Lecture for better understanding:
This exercise was developed by A. Christidis.
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