
Is “AI Science and Engineering” an un upcoming scientific discipline that can fuse AI, brain and mind studies and social engineering? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) studies and research flourish worldwide, it is worth debating whether we already observe the birth of a new discipline in the exact sciences that goes beyond the classical specializations of Computer Science (CS) and Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECE). It is natural that AI and its various domains, notably Machine Learning, will share methods and curriculum with both CS and ECE. However, this is not really enough to move from our current Data/Information Society to a Knowledge Society. We certainly need a fusion of AI with brain and mind studies, notably Neuroscience, Cognitive Science and Psychology. However, as students cannot be polymaths, are all the above issues too many to fit in one scientific discipline? Is there a danger that we sacrifice scientific depth to interdisciplinarity? Is the current trend to create AI Departments and undergraduate studies a lasting one? How shall we address the mathematization of all sciences? Can we envisage other sister-disciplines, e.g., Mind and Social Science and Engineering and/or Bioscience and Engineering that can address students with interests and background in Liberal Arts and Sciences or Biology/Medicine/Health Sciences?

All the above issues are addressed in the new 1050+ page book “Artificial Intelligence Science and Society” consisting of four volumes (parts) debating all technical and social grand challenges of AI Science and Engineering in an understandable and scientifically accurate manner.

Figure: Data volume increase in past decade.

Figure: Countries that offer AI studies.




  1. I. Pitas, “Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part A: Introduction to AI Science and Information Technology” https://www.amazon.com/dp/9609156460?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
  1. I. Pitas, “Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part B: AI Science, Mind and Humans” https://www.amazon.com/dp/9609156479?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
  2. I. Pitas, “Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part C: AI Science and Society” https://www.amazon.com/dp/9609156487?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
  3. I. Pitas, “Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part D: AI Science and the Environment” https://www.amazon.com/dp/9609156495?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860