Η Ανοιχτή ημερίδα ενημέρωσης προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων – σε τεχνολογίες drones θα πάρει μέρος στις 31 Αυγούστου 2018 (την τρίτη μέρα του θερινού σχολείου με τίτλο Drone School & Workshops: Deep learning and Computer vision for drone imaging and cinematography). Η συγκεκριμένη ημερίδα περιλαμβάνει τις ακόλουθες ομιλίες:

  1. GDPR and private data protection policies (Lecturer: A. Papanastasiou, municipal councilor of Thessaloniki).
    Abstract: After referring to some historical facts about data protection and to certain previous regulations, there is a brief synopsis about GDPR. The GDPR is a new legal framework from the EU that took effect on May 25, 2018. It’s an updated version of the Data Protection Directive. This law is designed to accomplish two main things: a. Unify the current data protection privacy laws throughout the EU, and b. Enhance the rights of citizens of the EU to protect their personal information. The main focus of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the protection of personal data and digital privacy.  The GDPR applies to any business that does one or both of the following: a. Offers products or services to citizens of the EU b. Collects personal information from citizens of the EU. While the Data Protection Directive only applied to data controllers, the GDPR now applies to data processors as well. The main principle that characterizes GDPR Regulation is “data protection by design and by default” but there are many other principles as well, mainly referring to the right and according to good will data processing. The GDPR compliance is mandatory and the fines can be  up to 20 million or 4% the annual worldwide turnover, whichever is greater. Processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of specific principles are followed. Processing can only be lawful if there is a full consent. Where processing is based on consent, the controller shall be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented to processing of his or her personal data. Consent means giving people genuine choice and control over the use of their data. There are also data that are kept merely by official authorities, such as data related to criminal convictions and data processing that do not require identification. Special regulations are imposed about children under the age of 16, while this age limit can be reduced but cannot be set to under the age of 13. Very significant is the right to be forgotten which is equalized to the right to be erased. Last but not least there is a brief demonstration about the GDPR policies in the Municipality of Thessaloniki, as the GDPR compliance is experienced from the side of the Administration of the Municipality.
  2. Civil Drone Regulations (Lecturer: Peter van Blijenburgh, President, UVS International).
    Περίληψη: Η ομιλία του κυρίου Peter van Blijenburgh περιλαμβάνει 5 θεματικούς άξονες:

    1. Επισκόπηση του νομοθετικού ευρωπαϊκού πλαισίου το οποίο ισχύει αυτή τη στιγμή σχετικά με την χρήση drones.
    2. Η εναρμονισμένη ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία για drones (ή μη επανδρωμνένα αεροσκάφη) & επιπτώσεις της σε θέματα σχετικά με τον χειρισμό τους (τεχνικές και λειτουργικές προδιαγραφές)
    3. Διαδικασίες χειρισμού drones: Kατηγοριοποίηση της αγοράς & αποστολές πτήσης, τομείς στους οποίους θα υπάρχει ανάπτυξη
    4. Προκλήσεις & ευκαιρίες για το κοινό το οποίο ασχολείται με drones στην Ευρώπη καθώς και ο ρόλος του στην ρυθμιστική/κανονιστική διαδικασία
    5. Η σημασία της χρήσης σωστής ορολογίας & πρωτοβουλίες για ευαισθητοποίηση.
  3. Προστασία ιδιωτικότητας, κανόνες δεοντολογίας, νομοθετικό πλαίσιο και ασφάλεια (Ομιλητής: Καθηγητής N. Heise, Deutsche Welle).
    Περίληψη: Στην κινηματογραφία με drones παρουσιάζονται συχνά θέματα προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων και ιδιωτικότητας όπως για παράδειγμα, η προστασία προσωπικών δεδομένων σε βίντεο και εικόνες. Τα δεδομένα θα πρέπει να είναι ανώνυμα ούτως ώστε να αποφευχθεί η ταυτοποίηση των ανθρώπων που εμφανίζονται στο υλικό που έχει βιντεοσκοπηθεί. Μερικές τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιούνται για αυτό το σκοπό είναι η περίπλεξη ανίχνευσης προσώπων (face detection obfuscation), αποταυτοποίηση προσώπων (face de-identification), αποταυτοποίηση ανθρώπινων σωμάτων (human body de-identification) και αποταυτοποίηση πινακίδων αυτοκινήτων (car plate de-identification). Η κινηματογραφία με drones εγείρει επίσης πολλά θέματα Ασφάλειας Πτήσεων και θα πρέπει να συμφωνεί με την σχετική ευρωπαϊκή και εθνική νομοθεσία.
15:30-15:32 Χαιρετισμός του Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Πήτα, Επιστημονικά υπεύθυνου του Project Multidrone 
15:32-15:45 Χαιρετισμός του Καθηγητή Περικλή Μήτκα, Πρύτανη του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης
15:45-15:50 Χαιρετισμός του κ. Τάσο Κουράκη, Α’ Αντιπρόεδρος της Βουλής
15:50-15:55 Χαιρετισμός του κ. Γιάννη Μπουτάρη, Δημάρχου Θεσσαλονίκης
15:55-16:00 GDPR και πολιτικές προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων
(Ομιλητής: κ. Α. Παπαναστασίου, Δημοτικό σύμβουλο Θεσσαλονίκης)
16:00-17:00 Civil Drone Regulations
(Ομιλητής: κ. Peter van Blyenburgh, Προέδρου της UVS International)
17:00-18:00 Προστασία ιδιωτικότητας, κανόνες δεοντολογίας, νομοθετικό πλαίσιο και ασφάλεια
(Ομιλητής: Καθηγητή N. Heise, Deutsche Welle)
18:00-18:30 Δημόσια συζήτηση για τα παραπάνω θέματα
18:30-19:00 Ασκήσεις σχεδιασμένες για τους μαθητές του DroneSchool

A public awareness workshop on privacy protection – drone technologies will take place on August 31st  2018 (third day of the summer school “Drone School & Workshops: Deep learning and Computer vision for drone imaging and cinematography“). It consists of the following lectures:

  1. GDPR and private data protection policies (Lecturer: A. Papanastasiou, municipal councilor of Thessaloniki).
    Abstract: After referring to some historical facts about data protection and to certain previous regulations, there is a brief synopsis about GDPR. The GDPR is a new legal framework from the EU that took effect on May 25, 2018. It’s an updated version of the Data Protection Directive. This law is designed to accomplish two main things: a. Unify the current data protection privacy laws throughout the EU, and b. Enhance the rights of citizens of the EU to protect their personal information. The main focus of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the protection of personal data and digital privacy.  The GDPR applies to any business that does one or both of the following: a. Offers products or services to citizens of the EU b. Collects personal information from citizens of the EU. While the Data Protection Directive only applied to data controllers, the GDPR now applies to data processors as well. The main principle that characterizes GDPR Regulation is “data protection by design and by default” but there are many other principles as well, mainly referring to the right and according to good will data processing. The GDPR compliance is mandatory and the fines can be  up to 20 million or 4% the annual worldwide turnover, whichever is greater. Processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of specific principles are followed. Processing can only be lawful if there is a full consent. Where processing is based on consent, the controller shall be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented to processing of his or her personal data. Consent means giving people genuine choice and control over the use of their data. There are also data that are kept merely by official authorities, such as data related to criminal convictions and data processing that do not require identification. Special regulations are imposed about children under the age of 16, while this age limit can be reduced but cannot be set to under the age of 13. Very significant is the right to be forgotten which is equalized to the right to be erased. Last but not least there is a brief demonstration about the GDPR policies in the Municipality of Thessaloniki, as the GDPR compliance is experienced from the side of the Administration of the Municipality.
  2. Civil Drone Regulations (Lecturer: Peter van Blijenburgh, President, UVS International).
    Abstract: After a short introduction of UVS International and its activities, this presentation will address the following 5 themes:

    1. Overview of the current drone regulatory situation in Europe
    2. The harmonized European drone regulatory approach & the implications for the drone operator community (technical & operational standards; standard scenarios)
    3. Drone operations : The classification of the market sectors & the flight mission purposes, and where growth will take place
    4. The challenges & opportunities for the European drone community and the role they should play relative to the regulatory process
    5. The importance of using the correct terminology & awareness creation.
  3. Privacy protection, ethics, safety and regulatory issues (Lecturer: Prof. N. Heise, Deutsche Welle).
    Abstract: In drone cinematography, privacy and data protection issues arise in many cases. For example, the protection of personal data must be ensured in the acquired video and/or images. All types of data stored in drones and ground infrastructure or transmitted over the air must be protected. Also, all data to be distributed must be anonymous in order to make it impossible to link acquired data to real people and so numerous of face detection obfuscation, face de-identification, human body de-identification and car plate de-identification methods must be examined. Furthermore, flight safety is an important issue that is tackled in reference to the European and national regulatory issues.
15:30-15:32 Address by I. Pitas, Scientifically Responsible of the project Multidrone
15:32-15:45 Address by Mitkas, Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
15:45-15:50 Address by T. Kourakis, First Vice President of the Government
15:50-15:55 Address by I. Boutaris, Mayor of Thessaloniki
15:55-16:00 GDPR and private data protection policies
(Lecturer: A. Papanastasiou, municipal councilor of Thessaloniki)
16:00-17:00 Civil Drone Regulations
(Lecturer: Peter van Blyjenburgh, President, UVS International)
17:00-18:00 Privacy and ethics issues for drone technologies and AI
(Lecturer: Prof. N. Heise, Deutsche Welle)
18:00-18:30 Public discussion on the above issues
18:30-19:00 Privacy-by design exercises to the DroneSchool students

At the end, an open discussion with the audience will complete the workshop.

The workshop will take place at KEDEA, 3is Septemvriou – Panepistimioupoli, 54636, Thesssaloniki, Greece.